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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Crybaby

Yesterday my ex-husband dropped the kids off from spending two days with them. He was mad because I refused to pick them up after the first day. I felt like he never gets the kids (maybe once every two months) so hey one more day would'nt hurt. I was standing outside with Cole (my puppy) talking to my neighbor. Crybaby (my ex) unloads the trunk of the car and looks at me with disgust and shouts "I'll see your ass in court" then pulls off. He knew what was good for him had he stuck around for two more seconds I would have blasted off on him. Well maybe not after all the kids were standing right there. I told my neighbor I'd talk later and went in the house with the kids to help them unpack. Then I took a walk with my dog. And I thought about what the  Crybaby had said. "Court" this man has thrown that word around for four years now (since the divorce). I really wish he would go ahead and take me already. I can see it now.

                              Dmari vs. The Crybaby FIGHTING for CUSTODY Round 1
Judge: "I see here Dmari is the custodial parent and has been since the separation. Crybaby why do you want custody now?"
Crybaby: "Cause she makes me sick."
Judge: "That's not a reason to get custody of the children. Do you have anything concrete to say about Dmari and her parenting?"
Crybaby:" Yep she just wants the kids so she can live off my child support."
Judge: (rolling eyes) "Your child support? You mean to tell me Dmari you have no other income than Crybaby's child support?"
Dmari: (pulling out paperwork) "Yes your Honor I do have other income besides Crybaby's child support. The money I get for the children doesn't even cover the house payment. I get money from my job and I am on disabilty because I can no longer work due to Crohn's disease."
Judge: (looking at paperwork)" Crybaby these papers state Dmari can take care of the children without any support from you. What are you really here for?"
Crybaby: (sniffling) "Well your honor. I thought if I got custody then I wouldn't have to pay anymore child support. I've got other bills and your honor I told you she makes me sick."
Judge:" Does Dmari treat the children badly? Does she provide for them? How is she unfit? Do you have a proper home to take them to if I was to give you custody? How would you manage working with caring for two small children."
Crybaby: "Well your honor, she has a boyfriend. She doesn't spend enough time with the kids cause she always with him. I don't have a place right now I stay with my mom and my girlfriend. I was gonna see if my girl could watch them cause I work alot. But I know I would be a better parent then her."
Judge: (shaking head)" Listen Crybaby these papers say Dmari has the children enrolled in one of the best schools in the city of Detroit. Not only that but the children's teachers and principals have sent letters stating she attends all parenting meetings, the children rarely miss a day of school and she is very vocal in their education. They also state that you do not attend any meetings and they've never seen you at a school function."
Dmari: (nodding head)
Crybaby: (whining voice) "Your honor look I just want my money back."
Judge: "Sorry Crybaby it doesn't work that way. I see you are not paying nearly enough and there hasn't been an amendment in quite some time. Dmari?"
Dmari: "Yes?"
Judge: "Your children deserve a little raise. (clearing throat) You Crybaby are ordered to pay two hundred dollars more a month. Custody will remani with Dmari. Case dismissed!"
Crybaby: (running towards the judge) "You can't do this. I have a new girlfriend she needs help with her bills. I can't keep paying for these kids like that. You said she can pay for them, she gets enough money."
Judge: "Baliff get this Crybaby out of my court!"
                                                   Bell rings (Ding Ding)
                                                      End of Round one
I keep telling Crybaby that's how things are gonna go but if he's soo gung ho about taking me to court I say in my wrestling commentators voice
                                       " LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE !!!"

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